Special Offer

Birthday special: 28% off 🎉


Want private weight loss coaching with Natalie? 

Over the course of 12 weeks, we’re going to help you master mindful eating and meal planning so you tap back into your body’s natural hunger and fullness cues, lose weight without all the complicated rules and keep it off! 

You’ll learn how to reach your weight loss goals without following any restrictive diet or rigorous fitness routine.

You’ll have Natalie in your back pocket to answer any questions you have related to mindfulness, nutrition or help you navigate your daily decisions so you can stop feeling overwhelmed and start getting results now.

Just like my girl, Whitney, who is a busy real estate agent:


Have you ever felt like "I wish somebody would just look at my plate and tell me if I'm eating the right stuff?" Well, sis, guess what? When you sign up, you get exactly that! You'll get access to a private online portal where you can take a picture of your food, get feedback on ways to improve and can ask questions right in the portal.

Have you ever felt confused by all of the conflicting information about food out there? Don't worry, sis. I'm going to show you how to pick foods that will keep you full longer and how to read nutrition labels so you become a pro and lose weight effortlessly no matter where you are ---you don't have to feel confined to some small list of foods you can eat!

Have you ever felt like with previous diets or lifestyle changes you were able to do good but felt stuck or confused when a social event or gathering came up?

Look no further, sis! I'm going to show you how to live and enjoy life WHILE losing weight so you don't have to restart over after the party.

Have you ever felt like the scale was stuck and you tried just about everything to get it to go down but can't figure it out?!?!

Sis, let's help you get unstuck just like my girl, Eres.


While working together, we're going to help you master:

  • Mindfulness - you'll become a pro at listening to your hunger and fullness cues so you can lose weight naturally without all the complicated rules --- just like you did with this course!
  • Simple Nutrition - I'm going to show you how to still enjoy your favorite foods while incorporating simple nutrition so you feel 100% confident in every decision you make
  • Creating your ME plan - you'll become a pro at planning your day ahead so you never feel stuck/confused and can finally put an end to the constant cycle of restarting your weight loss journey!

You will have effectively created a healthier lifestyle that allows you to still eat your favorite foods while not only losing weight but keeping it off!

When you sign up, you'll get:

  • Private portal to track your activity
  • Sample grocery shopping list
  • Dining out guide
  • 60-min welcome call
  • 45-min weekly check-ins
  • Email/text/PM support


You'll receive a physical copy of my 30-day goal success and manifestation planner.

Ready to lose 30lbs in the next 90 days?

Use the code "Birthday" to take 28% off and get started now.

This is specifically for career-driven women with at least 30lbs to lose and are ready to shift the focus to prioritizing themselves so they can build their confidence and feel amazing in that little black dress. 
Immediately! You'll be taken to a page to book your 1-hr welcome call where I'll walk you through everything and we start working together immediately.
Yes, personal trainers focus more on physical activity whereas we're focused on your eating habits.
April 30, 2024.
If after our welcome call, either you or I decide that it's not a good fit to work together, I will refund you the amount you paid; however, this must be done prior to having your second coaching call.
Copyright 2024. Natalie Butler. All rights reserved.